As you all know, our history topic is The Tudors. Ordsall Hall is located just a few miles from Monton, and it is one of England's most famous Tudor homes. Unfortunately, Ordsall Hall is closed to visitors at the moment, but you can experience the splendour of the building by going on a virtual tour. Why not have a look around Ordsall Hall, and investigate how Tudors lived. You can access the virtual tour by clicking on the picture below, or following this link. When you have finished the tour, I would like you to create a piece of work about Ordsall Hall. What you do is up to you:
- You could, create a poster or leaflet advertising the Hall,
- Research the foods that would have been served in the Great Hall and create a menu for the owners.
- Pretend you are a Tudor estate agent and create a for sale advert to try and sell it,
- You could write about the history of the hall (who lived there, what did they do, what did they dress in etc?)
The possibilities are endless. Feel free to share your work on the Purple Mash Class Blogs.